Bumps in the Road
Shawn's hobbies tend to be all-consuming, expensive, and a bit extreme. The effect that they have had on the family has been the source of most of the friction between us over the last 20 years. Family and long-time friends seem to understand the lack of compassion I have developed for his constant injuries. I doubt it surprised very many people that this week when he broke his collar bone (again) my first response was anger. It didn't help when I realized that while I was thinking of recovery in time for our trip, he was thinking of recovery in time for one last major ride in July before we leave. I think we are on the same page now... After surgery next week he should have plenty of time to recuperate for our departure, and no more riding until the odyssey is over.
Posted by Pelham Family 08:33
Shawn's collarbone isn't the only bump right now. Pneumonia can is a pretty large molehill as well. I pray that both of you take care of yourselves before your big departure. Baylie needs her parents healthy and happy. xoxox
by Mom