A Travellerspoint blog


Baylie's played with monkeys, guess we're done now!

We rode the cable car up to the top of the rock, then walked ALL the way down! Shawn was really interested in the history & military info. Baylie, of course just wanted to hold monkeys. She made the mistake of unzipping her backpack and one started going through it and stole several pieces of bread she had brought from breakfast. He took it along with the napkins it was wrapped in and looked like he was eating a sandwich. I hear many of you gasping from all the way across the Atlantic at the fact that I allowed a wild monkey on my child's head. Luckily the only that bit her didn't break the skin. Go ahead nominate me now for mother of the year!2011-08-18_06-26-29_971


Posted by Pelham Family 06:47

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I LOVE the picture! No gasps here. I would expect nothing less. A kid who swims with dolphins and holds gigantic iguanas can surely have a wild monkey on her head. Mother of the Year = yep; still in the running!

by Mom

(The monkey is a Barbary Macaque.....cool, huh?)

by Mom

Love it, love it.....Are you going through the Casbah?(have no idea how to spell it.) Don't let go of Shawn or Baylie's hand while there but it is fun. Enjoy!

by Toots

Maybe you could borrow one of the monkeys for the rest of your trip and then you wouldn't have to worry about your hair color! :)

by Sissa

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