A Travellerspoint blog

A Familiar Sight

Ahhh, the joy of teaching is universal

Today as we were entering the lovely Acropolis Museum we passed a group of teenagers sitting on a large bench while their teacher spoke passionately about the amazing things they were about to see inside. She was clearly thrilled that they would be viewing things they had studied and she was doing a great job of setting the scene for their field trip. Three boys were listening to their ipods, two girls were messing with their phones, one young lady was filing her nails, one boy was clearly asleep and about to topple off the bench, and ONE young man was sitting on the edge of his seat with his hand up and it is only because he bounded to his feet when the teacher said, "Let's go!" that the other kids seemed to know it was time to move. I think I should have made it a point to go shake that teacher's hand.

Posted by Pelham Family 08:06 Archived in Greece

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(And why do I now have tears in my eyes?) Your students are missing you, I'm sure! That was a great story. It shows where your heart is, no matter how far from home you are. You make your teacher-mama proud. I love you!

by Mom

Hmph. I thought you were talking about my 5th period.....

by Laura

You should have shook her hand, and handed her whatever chocolate you had on you! Good to know that teenagers are teenagers, wherever you go:-) We love the pictures of Rome and Greece. Kellen wants to know where you're going after Greece and if you're planning to see the Hagia Sofia? Another awesome place that he's learned about in social studies.

by Kathy

Laura, you only mention one class period...your kids must be pretty good this year! :)
Kathy, tell Kellen we are headed to Turkey in a couple of days so we will see the Hagia Sofia in Istanbul. And I'm sure he knows more about it than I do since I had never heard of it until I started reading the guidebook!

by Pelham Family

Hahahaha...my whole DAY is something that will lead a person towards alcoholism. I've got a crew this year, that's for sure. Our dinners would be colorful! :)

by Laura

Haha...loved this! I'm really enjoying reading about your adventures. And, Laura, your 5th period is my 1st, 2nd AND 3rd period... I feel your pain times 3!!! It's a good thing I job share. :)

by Barbie

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